The Light Nobody Wants to See (Check Engine Light)
July 25, 2021
You've probably had your Check Engine Light go on. Then it goes off and you figure, hey, whatever the problem was, it's gone now and I don't have to worry about it. Well, the problem may have gone away and it may not have. Your vehicle likely has one of these warning lights on the instrument pa... More

Cool Running (Water Pump)
July 18, 2021
Your vehicle is like you in a way. When it gets hot, it needs to be cooled down. And one of the key parts to keeping it cool is the water pump. Now, that's a bit of a misnomer. It IS a pump, but it's pumping coolant, not pure water. Cooling off your engine is vital since it builds up heat whe... More

Are There Blind Spots in Batavia?
July 11, 2021
All Batavia drivers have blind spots and no, I'm not talking about the fact that you really don't sing like Adele. I mean the areas of the road that you can't see when you're driving around Batavia.First let's talk about our own blinds spots, and then we can talk about others...To begin, we can... More

A Honking Big Jam (Stuck Horn)
July 4, 2021
At one time or another, most drivers honk their horn at someone who might be texting at a stoplight or not paying attention when they're driving. But what happens when you tap on your horn and all of a sudden it won't quit? Everyone's looking at you like you're an angry jerk and all you want to ... More